Make This Your Year of Growth and Success

It doesn’t do anyone good to freestyle through life and actually believe they will become successful at accomplishing their dreams.

Written by Shana Jones
Goal setting, action planning, and consistency are all famous terms that are used fluently among the successful. We all know them well. However, living, breathing, and embedding them in our lives is the distinctive line that separates the two groups – the successful and the “aspiring to be” successful.
You may have spent a significant amount to time, spinning wheels, experiencing rises and falls along the boundaries of your version of success, but never really make that crossover. We all of visions of what success looks like to us. So how do we proceed forward and hit our targets?
I’ve intentionally put “Make THIS Your Year” in this post’s title, because every year, we should be striving toward growth. Will this year be just like the years before for you? Or will this be THE year you transform into a greater you? Have your visions made their way to becoming tangible realities, or are they still living in your dreams.
By living, breathing, and embedding your goal setting, action planning, consistency, faith in God and in yourself, you will surely see it through.
Here are some tips to get your right every year, so you can consistently become a greater you.
1) Become an advocate goal setter.
It doesn’t do anyone good to freestyle through life and actually believe they will become successful at accomplishing their dreams. Any road will get you somewhere. However, will that “somewhere” be where you really want to be? How will you know if you’ve never picked a destination to start with? No more living an adrift lifestyle. Every month, week, and day actively create written proof of your progress toward your goals. Create task lists and check off the completed. Celebrate your big and small finishes. Become your own advocate.
“Becoming my own advocate is the greatest gift I can give myself. I owe at least this much to my ever-so patiently, waited dreams, who just wanted to become realities.” – Shana Jones
2) Action Speaks Louder Than Words
It’s not enough to write goals, milestones, and tasks down. They must be implemented to see the results you desire. As an obvious statement for many of us, but we still will not budge off the sofa and stop procrastination. Commit yourself to yourself and be the promises you told yourself.
Set reminders and make post-it notes to make sure these promises are staring you straight in your face – all the time – 27/7! During the times you don’t want to do it, do it anyway. Your commitment will remind you of your “why” and “reason” behind the motivation that keeps you fighting toward seeing the results through. Your commitment is what binds you to the actions that need to be done – no matter what!
3) Consistency is KEY
Creating a habit out of your transformation will make it life-long and natural. It takes 21 days of doing something consistently to make it a habit. Making goals, taking action, and becoming consistent are all great habits of a successful entrepreneur. If you genuinely want to complete this year & beyond with a successful, completed goals list, it better become a habit.
Start small by getting a good reading list, that will strengthen your most considerable knowledge muscle – your brain. I started listening to audiobooks in my car and on my phone at every opportunity I had. I did this for 10 days. The other day, I ended one of my favorites, Rich Dad Poor Dad, and felt odd that I didn’t have another book waiting in the pipeline. Did I turn on the radio or resume back to what I was doing before (not reading)? NO! I got another one and began again. For me, I didn’t have time to read physical books but saw the opportunity to listen to them. Find what works for you and stick to it. I created a good habit for myself that I never plan on letting go.
So there you have it – be an advocate goal setter, take action, and be consistent. This is my best advice given that will help make this year and beyond, a game-changer for you.
Feel free to come over to our Facebook Group and comment on some of your goals and plan of action toward seeing them through. I would love to hear it. More importantly, you may help guide someone else into a transforming year.
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